Essential Oils are highly concentrated substances, and it
is important to be aware of, and follow a few cautionary guidelines
to help you gain the most benefit.
- It is not recommended that Essential
Oils are taken internally.
- It is best to avoid
certain Essential Oils during pregnancy. Check
with your physician if you are unsure about using any essential
oils while pregnant including: Basil, Clary Sage, Juniper,
Rosemary, Marjoram, Fennel, Clove Bud, Cypress, Camomile,
Lemongrass, Peppermint, Cedarwood. (Caution need not apply
to oils used in vapourisers).
- Some oils can cause skin photosensitisation
to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Avoid exposure for at
least four hours after treatment. Photosensitive Oils are
Bergamot, Lemon, Grapefruit.
- It is best for people with high blood
pressure, epilepsy, neural disorders or kidney disease
to avoid certain oils. (e.g. Cypress, Rosemary, Juniper,
Black Pepper). Consult a professional Aromatherapist prior
to using any oils if suffering from these problems.
- Essential Oils are not a substitute
for any drugs which are being taken far any serious illness,
disorder or disease. It is always advisable to consult a
qualified therapist before considering using any essential
oils if suffering from any serious problems. When using
oils to relieve temporary ailments, if pain or discomfort
persists, always consult a qualified practitioner.
- Keep to within the recommended
dosage of the oils. Using too much will often have
the opposite effect to that which you are trying to achieve
and may build up toxicity within the body, especially Ylang
Ylang, Clary Sage and Marjoram.
- Essential Oils should always be used
diluted, unless otherwise recommended.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Store in well sealed, dark glass containers,
in a cool place, away from sunlight to prolong the life,
and to preserve the therapeutic powers of your essential
- Avoid using essential
oils near the eyes or other sensitive areas.
- Avoid contact with plastic, varnished
or painted surfaces.
- When blending oils, use a stainless steel,
glass or ceramic container. Not plastic.
- Do not use essential oils on
Newborn babies until 2 weeks old and then use only
1 drop of Lavender in the bath, (or in 20ml of carrier oil
for a bonding-massage) until the age of 4 months. For use
on children up to 5 years, all essential oil dosages given
for adults must be divided by 4 (one quarter dilution).
For use on children 5 to 12 years, all essential oil dosages
given for adults must be divided by 2 (one half dilution).
Approach with care whenever making blends for children or
the frail elderly.
- Avoid using certain
essential oils if alcohol has been consumed
or before driving: such as Clary Sage,
Marjoram, Ylang Ylang (the Euphoric Oils).
- Some oils may irritate sensitive skin,
especially the Citrus oils. Always do a "Skin
Patch Test" to inner arm before applying oils
to larger areas.
- Steam Inhalations should be approached
with caution by Asthmatics. Use only as
a preventative measure, never during an attack.
- If in doubt about a particular blend,
it is always wise to obtain advice from a professional Aromatherapist
or contact Roonka.